
Showing posts from October, 2023

Blog #4

Image   1-     CHAOS IN THE HOUSE : bad news       The house of representatives has no speaker or timeline when the position is going to be filled. Kevin McCarthy, male, white, and 58 years old will possibly be the only speaker who's going to be voted out of the position, but who will take his spot? Oct 4th the house is still struggling to search for a speaker, the house won't vote on a new leader till next week and they keep referring to the house as "paralyzed." Trump is also convincing the people that he fits best as the speaker, which a lot of people agree with him for that position, he says " i'll do whatever it is to help, but my focus my big focus is to being president."      They began to discuss one of the representative that want this position Steve Scalise a white male he is a Louisiana congressman, elected in 2008, and #2 house republican since 2019. Representative Jim...